Unit 9 – Peer-Review Feedback
In what ways does your final project reflect the future of addictions counseling? At what level will your proposed research impact the field? These questions, and more, are part of the peer-review process. Frequently, the peer-review process leads to additional refinement, recommendations, and reflection. The ability to receive and extend supportive peer feedback requires respectful and professional communication directed toward an academic audience.
Peer-Review Feedback
After reading the selection for this unit, you may find your definition of assessment and future research altered. Focusing on changes in the future can redefine your research and interests. In this unit, you will present your proposed or completed research to your fellow learners, and evaluate your peers’ proposed research or clinical program. Please keep in mind as you create and receive feedback that receiving such feedback strengthens your skills and promotes the practitioner-scholar model.
To successfully complete this learning unit, you will be expected to:
1. Communicate recommendations effectively and empathetically.
2. Identify and evaluate any ethical concerns.
3. Compare various research designs.
Unit 9 Study Studies
Optional – Library Article
You may choose to read this article, available in the Library, to augment your understanding of this unit’s topics.
4. Gottlieb’s (2006, April) article, “A Template for Peer Ethics Consultation,” in Ethics & Behavior, volume 16, issue 2, pages 151-162.
Peer-Review Feedback
Discussion 1: At least 2 minimum references needed. .
Peer Review of Final Proposals
Completing your final project may alter your understanding of the research process in some way. Receiving and providing peer review feedback influences your ideas about the research process and promotes self-reflection.
Use the Peer Review Chart and give substantive feedback to two learners, each consisting of 250 words. Be sure to integrate references using APA style and formatting.
Discussion 2: At least 2 minimum references needed. .
Presenting at a Symposium
Congratulations! You have been selected to present your proposed research or clinical program at the National Lessons Learned Research Symposium. In preparation for your speech, create a simple PowerPoint (10 to 12 slides) containing the points listed below. Use the Notes area on each slide to draft the script for your speech that you plan to deliver.
Research interest on your proposed topic.
Purpose of proposed research.
Data collection and data analysis procedures.
Lessons you learned from previous peer reviews.
Be sure to upload your PowerPoint so that your fellow learners can enjoy your presentation
Peer Review Chart Below
Peer-Review Feedback
Peer Review Chart
How does the project model address the issue?
What insight has been gained through the development of this project model?
How would the participant response impact the project model process?
What achievements might be identified through using this project model?
What process was effective in the project model?
What process could have additionally expanded the project model?
What challenges remain to be addressed in this project?
How are outcomes measured?
What is the significance of the implementation of such a project?
How does collaboration with other professionals impact the success of such a project?
General Inquiries
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