Career Planning Curricula Vitae and Résumés



Unit 9 Assignment: Individual Career Plan

Client Profile

The client is a White male, 40 years of age.  He is married with two children and is currently working with the government and at the same time doing his PhD.   The client was educated in the United States and has already completed his Master degree in addiction counseling. The main presenting issue is what career option to take after completing his PhD.  The client has been working as an addiction counselor but he thinks completing his PhD presents new opportunities that he can explore but he is not sure which are to work in.

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Unit 9: Career Planning Curricula Vitae and Résumés


In this unit you will develop a career plan for yourself as the client, including strategies and an evaluation of the assessments and inventories that you started in Unit 3. Although you have all written a CV or résumé and cover letter, in this unit you will have an opportunity to submit them to be critiqued before applying for your internship in a future course. Career Planning Curricula Vitae Résumés


To successfully complete this learning unit, you will be expected to:

  1. Analyze your own preferences, personality, values, and interests in relation to career goals.
  2. Analyze your own skills, knowledge, and experiences in relation to career goals.
  3. Identify your own career options using current labor market information.
  4. Create an individual career plan for yourself as a career counseling client.
  5. Write or update your CV or résumé and a cover letter directed at a position in your specialization.


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[u09s1] Unit 9 Study 1



Use the Capella University Library to read the following:

Use Campus to complete the following:

  • Visit the Capella University Career Center Job Search Tools Review the materials provided on résumés, curricula vitae (CVs), and cover letters.


Use the library

[u09s2] Unit 9 Study 2

CV or Résumé and Cover Letter

Although you probably have previously written a résumé or curriculum vitae (CV) and cover letter, this discussion gives you an opportunity to revise those documents in light of what you have learned in this course. In the US, CVs are typically used when applying for positions in academia, psychology, human-services, research, or science. Résumés are used for most other positions. Career Planning Curricula Vitae Résumés

For this discussion, choose a position that you identified in your Career Exploration Workbook as your goal. Most likely, you have chosen a position that requires a CV. Revise or create your CV and cover letter based on that position. Include a personal statement on your CV that summarizes your skills, experience, and value.

Be sure to complete your CV (or résumé) and cover letter by the end of Unit 9. You will post both documents early in Unit 10 so that your peers can review them and provide you feedback before Friday in Unit 10. You may use the Resources provided to assist you in preparing these documents. Career Planning Curricula Vitae Résumés

  • Resources


Unit 9 Assignment 1: 5pages needed with 6 references.

Individual Career Plan

As a counselor advising clients or students in career decisions, you will use assessments and inventories to help them create career plans.  Career Planning Curricula Vitae Résumés. For this assignment, you will consider yourself as the client, interpret the assessments you completed in Units 3, 4, and 6 in the Career Exploration Workbook, and create a career plan with actionable steps. Use your completed Career Exploration Workbook as a reference to complete this paper.

Although you are using yourself as the client, be sure to write from the third-person point of view. Address the following aspects in your assignment:

Client Profile

  • Describe the client’s identifying information such as age, race, gender, family, work status, educational background, current educational status, et cetera.
  • Describe the presenting issues (as you would gather from an intake interview with yourself).
  • Be sure to write from the third-person point of view.

Results of Assessments

  • Personality:
    • 16-Type Jungian Personality Test: Identify your client’s preferences (E/I, S/N, T/F, J/P).
    • Big 5 Personality Theory: Identify your client’s scores regarding extroversion, openness, agreeableness, neuroticism, conscientiousness.
  • Values:
    • Identify your client’s top five values from the card sort.
  • Interest Assessment:
    • Identify your client’s highest categories in realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional.
  • Interpretation of Assessments:
    • Connect the assessment results to the presenting issues. What themes emerged?
    • Use your reflections from the Career Exploration Workbook to help you complete this section.
  • Analyze the appropriateness of the inventories and assessments completed in relation to the client’s developmental stage and profile.
  • Professional Assets:
    • Assess your client’s training, education, and professional and volunteer experiences in relation to his or her career goals. Career Planning Curricula Vitae Résumés
  • Career Options:
    • Identify 2–3 job titles that match your client’s skills and interests.
    • Describe the education and or training needed, the employment trends, and expected salary for each job.

Individual Career Plan

  • Create a career plan for this person moving forward. Include in your plan your client profile, goals, and an action plan. Use an example career plan from your text or find one that you like on your own.

Personal Reflection

  • Describe what you learned about yourself in this exercise and how you will use this knowledge in your specialization.
  • As part of your reflection, assess your professional limitations as a career counselor.

Your paper should be 4–5 pages with at least four references, written in third-person point of view, and following APA format. Include your completed Career Exploration Workbook as a supplement to this assignment. Career Planning Curricula Vitae Résumés Review the Individual Career Plan Scoring Guide for the detailed grading expectations of this assignment.

Unit 9 Assignment: Individual Career Plan

Learner Name

COUN 5279


Professor Name



Here you are to summarize the contents of this paper. This summary should be one short paragraph that includes the purpose of this assignment, and the list of this assignment’s components in narrative (not list) form.

Unit 9 Assignment: Elements of an APA Paper

Start writing your introduction here (1–2 paragraphs). An effective introduction prepares the reader by identifying the purpose of the paper and providing the organization of the paper. Please double-space and remember to indent all paragraphs throughout your paper (not block form). Aim to keep your writing objective using third person. Unless required for the specific assignment, please do not include a table of contents, as it is not APA style.  Career Planning Curricula Vitae Résumés. Review paper guidelines on page requirements and number of sources required. Unless citing a classic work, aim to cite research articles and texts published within the past five years. Please use headings throughout your paper that are consistent with the paper’s scoring guide (that way you ensure you are adequately addressing all required areas).

When you finish writing your paper, re-read it to check for errors and make sure your ideas flow well. A helpful tip is to read your paper aloud to yourself. If it does not sound right to your ear, it is not working on paper! Please submit your papers to Turnitin (linked in the course) to check for plagiarism. Also, remember as a University learner you have free access through Campus to personal tutoring services with

Client Profile

In this section you are to describe your client identifying information such as age, race, gender, family, works status, educational background, and current educational status. Explain the presenting issues. Please remember to write in third person although you are writing about yourself.



Assessment Results

In this section, describe the assessment results for all the assessments and inventories that you took in the Career Exploration Workbook. Include your client’s preference for each assessment or inventory. For example, in the 16 Type Jungian Personality Test, identify your client’s E/I, S/N, T/F and J/P. What was your client’s score on the Big 3 personality such as extroversion, openness, agreeable, neuroticism, and conscientiousness?  Career Planning Curricula Vitae Résumés. What were the top five values from the card sort? Identify your client’s highest categories from the interest inventory.

Interpretation of Assessments

In this section, connect the assessments results to the presenting problem. Describe what themes emerged. Using your reflections from each assessment may be helpful in this section. Include a discussion and analysis of the appropriateness of the inventories and assessments in relation to the client’s developmental stage and profile. For example, were they culturally appropriate?

Professional Assets/Career Options

In this section assess your client’s training, education, and professional and voluntary experience as it relates to career goals. Describe your client’s career options. Career Planning Curricula Vitae Résumés. Identify two to three career options that match your client’s skills and interests. In this section describe the educational or training needs and expected salary for your client including employment trends, as found using the current labor market information.

Individual Career Plan

In this section you are to create a career plan for your client. You will include your client profile, goals, and an action plan. You may use the example from your text or find a different one that you like.


Personal Reflection

Although this is a personal reflection, you are required to write in third person. Describe what you learned about yourself through this exercise and how you will use this knowledge in your specialization. Include an assessment of your professional limitations as a career counselor in this section.



Please provide a conclusion that summarizes the main ideas of your paper.



Begin your references on a separate page with the heading above (not bold). (Delete this and all these instructions when you are done reading them.) For this paper you are to have at least four references not including your text. Career Planning Curricula Vitae Résumés

You must have a reference for each source cited in your paper. Do not list a reference that was not cited in your paper. Consult your APA manual for proper examples on citing and referencing APA style. The Capella University Writing Center also has helpful tutorials. Career Planning Curricula Vitae Résumés.



Information on Units 3 Career Exploration Workbook Below


  • Studies


Use your Career Counseling text to read the following:

  • Chapter 5, “Career Counseling Intake Interview,” pages 137–158.
  • Chapter 6, “Using Standardized Tests and Self-Assessment Procedures in Career Counseling,” pages 161–187.

Use your Using Assessment Results text to read the following:

  • Chapter 3, “Some Measurement Concepts,” pages 37–38.
  • Chapter 6, “Interest Inventories,” pages 85–112.
  • Chapter 7, Using Personality Inventories,” pages 115–129.
  • Chapter 10, “Card Sorts and Other Non-Standardized Approaches in Career Counseling,” pages 163–180.

Use Campus to complete the following activities.

The resources provided in the Capella Career Center allow you to assess your own career management competencies, values, interests, and skills to manage your career path. These resources are being provided in this course because they relate directly to the course topics, but you should also use them for your own life-long career development and reflection. Additionally, you may want to consider using them with your career counseling clients:

  1. Explore Capella’s Career Center. Start by reviewing the Career Management Cycle, a brief overview of the reflective process for managing your own career. In the conclusion section of the career management cycle, select the Career Planning Self-Assessment to assess your career planning competencies. This assessment can help you clarify your areas for improvement in career exploration and planning, job searching, and networking. Once completed, the assessment provides you with a checklist of many valuable resources relevant to your responses, which you can and should use throughout your career, especially as you near the completion of your program.
  2. Now that you understand the career planning areas you need to work on, you will dig deeper into a process of self-discovery using the Career Center resources. It is important that career decisions are made from a place of self-understanding and purpose, for your own career success and those of your clients. On the Identify Skills and Values page, open the Career Exploration Workbook and save it to your computer. You will complete sections of this workbook throughout this course and use it in your Unit 9 assignment. Career Planning Curricula Vitae Résumés
  3. The first step in your self-exploration is an examination of your personality, values, interests, skills, and professional assets. In your Career Exploration Workbook, complete pages 3–10, which includes introductory content as well as sections that use a Jungian Personality Test (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), a Big 5 Personality Theory Test, a Values Card Sort, an Interests Assessment, a Skills Assessment, and a video on identifying your professional assets. Career Planning Curricula Vitae Résumés
  4. Be sure to watch the videos, complete the assessments, and complete the reflection areas. You will complete the “Looking Outward” sections in Unit 6. Remember that you will use your completed workbook in your Unit 9 assignment. When completing your workbook, consult the Occupational Outlook Handbook at the Bureau of Labor for a more detailed description of work environment, including salary ranges.

Optional Resource

We recommend that you use the Career Planning Checklist in the Career Center to help with your own job search at the end of your program. Keep in mind all the tools and assessments that you are using in this course can be used with your own clients in mental health counseling, school counseling, and personal counseling.



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