Aging Care System in Australian

Aging Care System in Australia


The Australian aging care system is facing a lot of problems. According to the two articles appearing in the Canberra Times, Plan calls for a new aged-care watchdog and Financial crisis next shock for aged care, aged Australians are receiving poor services and are at worst forced to contend with neglect. The mechanism and the facilities available are not adequate to offer effective care to the aged. Among other problems, the residential facilities and in poor quality and still not enough to accommodate the high number of aging Australians, those already in homes are faced with dietary problems, the homes are running at a deficit, the nurses rarely attend to aged needs and the entire management is painfully wanting. The whole of the aging care system is wanting and in dire need of reforms.

One of the problems leading to the messy in aged-health care management system is lack of an effective management and updated policy. According to the Canberra Times, the current system in use, was put in place in 1960 and cannot cater for the changing needs. Despite the projected increase in the number of the aged Australia continues to stick to an aged policy. The archaic system has led to poor services. This is a common problem in the health sector, which, as Sorensen and Ledema observes, has been slow to embrace operation management (31).

Aging Care System in Australia

The quality of services in aged care facilities is in dire need and fails to meet the standards set by the federal government. The aged rarely receives their dietary needs and there is slow response to their health care. According to Sorensen and Ledema, this is a wide spread problem in health care where all the stakeholder have failed to manage the production processes for quality output (30). The response to emergency at the homes is so poor that relatives are forced to shoulder some of the responsibility. Going by Mrs. Bell’s case as reported by Carberra Times, relatives cannot be fully satisfied that their aged ones will receive the necessary care. The level of the neglect is too high.

As both articles exposes the administration of the aged care facilities is a total failure. Effective management as Sorensen and Ledema observes is key to quality output (30). In healthcare, much of the effort has been spent on input but not on the process that lead to quality output. This is the reason that the alliance of 28 aged-care consumer groups are calling for a new commission that would cater for the new and the special needs of the aged. One of the qualities that the new commission would bring to the aged-care system is monitoring which had been desperately lacking.

Aging Care System in Australia

The article reports that there has been poor corroboration between all health care stakeholders. According to Sorensen and Ledema, for an effective management, there is need for all the stakeholders, health care experts and health care consumers to work together for a better health care management. As much as health care providers are required to be effective in their jobs, health consumers should also offer support health experts.

Aging Care System in Australia

The Australian age-care is faced with serious financial problems. According to Canberra Times, each bed is operating on a deficit of $62 per day. Homecare facilities have been forced to suspend admission. Some of the facilities are running into million of losses while there is no enough money expand the facilities in order to cope with the increasing numbers of the aged. Financial problems mean that the aged care facilities cannot maintain their staffs that are constantly looking for greener pasture. An effective management and introduction of the operation management is the only way that can salvage the near collapsing aged-care system.


The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia has several clinical governance issues. Some of these include codes and guidelines, registration and endorsement, registration standards and accrediting.

Codes, guidelines and statement:Aging Care System in Australian This is supposed to ensure that nurses adhere to codes and guidelines set by the board. Nursing and midwifery is a very demanding position and delicate. It is about dealing with people’s lives. Often it requires more than qualification for a practitioner to deliver good service. Strict rules and ethical codes are required to ensure discipline and ethical conduct in the field.

Registration standards: according to the website, this define the requirements that applicants, registration or students need to meet to be registered. Nursing and midwifery require high qualification in terms of qualification and passion. He board sets strong standards for qualification. However, the board has no clear rules for determining passion. There is more too nursing than qualification. Passion for nursing is an important factor.

Aging Care System in Australia


Registration and endorsement: the registration and standard is governed by the Australia National law. This guides the relationship between nurses registered by the states and the national registration. Strict regulatory is necessary to ensure that the profession is not infiltrated by quacks.Aging Care System in Australian The effectiveness of registration is important to ensure that only the qualified are allowed to take care of health care consumers.

Accreditation: nursing and midwifery board seek to regulate the courses offered in nursing schools.  Poor training may lead to substandard and half baked nurses. This is important in maintaining high standards in the nursing profession.

Works cited

Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. Web

Sorensen, Roslyn & Ledema, Rick. Managing Clinical Processes in Health Services. Sidney: Elsevier Australia. 2008. Print.

The Canberra Times. Financial crisis next shock for aged care. Web Feb. 1, 2012 < > Web March 16, 2012

The Canberra Times. Plan calls for a new aged-care watchdog. Web February 8, 2012 web March 16, 2012